About Us

The “Charlestown Haunted History Walks” is a licensed company with the state of West Virginia. It was started in late 2016, and through many hours of investigations and research, you are brought several hours of history, fun and many bone-chilling paranormal activities.

A Jefferson County, WV, boy (born & raised) and a Girl from across the river have come together to tell you their stories, experiences and adventures of growing up in this area — by taking you on a haunted history walk and/or a civil war cemetery stroll throughout our wonderful little town of Charles Town, WV.

Angie Knight-Manuel

Angie Knight-Manuel (a Sensitive) was born in Sharpsburg, MD and raised in the tri-state area, will guide you through a haunted history walk along the streets of the old Charles Town from the past. As a Sensitive, she will show you and give you explanations of any paranormal activity you may encounter at several stops. The stops will include the Court House, John Brown’s Curse, A haunted school, a proven cemetery and a Church Basement with several spirits. Come and enjoy the tales and history notes you never knew.


If you are looking for a Civil War Cemetery stroll, this is the one for you. No one knows the Civil War history that lies in the Edge Hill Cemetery and the Zion Episcopal Church Yard, any better than Kevin Breeden (a Local historian)



Kevin will fill you up with the Civil War info of Charles Town and the people that are buried within the confines of the old rod iron fences. He will show you many soldiers from high ranking Officers to enlisted that fought hard to stay alive, but fell. You will see many people that were directly involved in the John Brown Trial. This is really an eye opener as to the trials and tribulations that those individuals had to endure from living in that time and era.


Also you will find these two (2) lurking in the background. They are Tim Manuel (Angie’s Husband) and Michelle Powers (Assisting in Walks, Investigating and all other aspects of the Haunted History Walks). Both of these two have been there from the beginning assisting with every aspect they can to help make it easier for the two guides to do their jobs.


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